Trusted Media Summit
The summit’s key visual (KV) was rebranded in 2022 as part of a reflection of the summit’s evolution since it first started in 2018. When the APAC Trusted Media Summit was first launched in 2018, the idea of countering misinformation was relatively new to the region and the focus was largely on fact-checking.
With the growth of the news and information literacy movement, the rise of influencers and AI, the old visual showing a group of people doing fact-checking work together was insufficient to portray the challenges the news industry was facing as a whole.
Old visual from 2018 - 2021
To highlight the current atmosphere - loss of trust in news, fact-checking in an echo chamber, along with the myriad of noise from social media - the idea is to illustrate how news professionals have to navigate through all the negative factors while striving to deliver the truth and seek their North Star.
The first version of the visual shows the frenzy of media-related icons to indicate the immense quantity of information available on the internet across a multitude of platforms. News professionals are seen on this pathway navigating past the distractions to reach the North Star. The visual featured less colors and included mascots from the Youth Verification Challenge.
Subsequently to add more contrast to the visual so that it stands out more, a larger amount of gray and black was added into the visual for the second mockup.
Ultimately the final key visual featured more brighter colors in the horizon and with the icons to liven up the mood and portray a more hopeful and optimistic outlook for news professionals seeking their North Star.
Youth Verification Challenge
To personify the different news consumers we often see in our daily lives, four different characters were created. They exemplify the cognitive biases and misconceptions many face when it comes to processing information.
Naive (Yellow): Doesn’t question the information presented to them. Believes it at face value.
Stubborn (Blue): Thinks he/she is always correct. Refuses to change stance when faced with opposing information, even if at the wrong.
Overwhelmed (Green): Easily overwhelmed and confused when presented with too many information. Too cautious to reject any information, even when it's clearly false.
Outburst (Red): Easily excitable and is a superspreader of misinformation. A loud persona and is attracted to gossip, juicy news, clickbaity headlines.
However, once the concept and techniques of fact-checking are introduced to these characters, they become our “fact-checking friends”, and transform into enlightened personas. Each character now has a thinking cap on, and a translucent look with a bright light emanating from their bodies, indicating their enlightened status. They are also equipped with gadgets to aid them in their fact-checking work.
The early version of these characters were only in solid colors, and hands would appear when they needed to interact with their environment.
We added the “after” transformation later on by including the thinking cap and gadgets.
Sketches of different poses for each character.
The final version of our fact-checking friends included the emanating light in the bodies of our enlightened characters and also included poses that have both the “before” and “after” characters in one visual.