15:50 THA
Watch Party
15:50 THA
Welcome Dinner
15:50 THA
15:50 THA
Ika Ningtyas, Sekretaris Jenderal, AJI Indonesia
15:50 THA
Diskusi Panel Disinformasi Politik dan Pelemahan Demokrasi di Indonesia
Usman Kansong, Direktur Jenderal, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo)
Wijayanto, Universitas Diponegoro
Sasmito, Ketua Umum, AJI Indonesia
Sherly Haristya, Internet Governance Researcher
Isya Hanum Kresnadi, Google Indonesia
15:50 THA
Networking Coffee
15:50 THA
Diskusi Panel 2: Bagaimana memulihkan kepercayaan publik terhadap media?
Evi Mariani, AJI Indonesia
P. Tri Agung Kristanto, Dewan Pers
Citra Dyah Prastuti, AMSI
Herik Kurniawan, IJTI
Masduki, PR2Media
15:50 THA
Lunch Break
15:50 THA
Sesi Breakout
Panel diskusi 1: Masih Adakah Masa Depan untuk Jurnalisme?
Wisnu Prasetya, Peneliti dan Podcaster
Laban Abraham Laisila, Narasi TV
Anna Agustina, Sekjen Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi
Workshop 1: Keberlanjutan Hidup Media
Ronny Adolof Buol, Zonautara.com
Rini Yuliastuti, Solopos
Muhamad Fauzi, PRFM
Workshop 2: Bagaimana Mengatasi Serangan Digital?
Anton Muhajir, Tim Reaksi Cepat/Trace
Afra Suci, Digital Defenders Partnership & parts of Trace Network
Panel discussion 2: Media Wise from platforms point of view
Aya Lowe, Representatif Meta Group
Edu Krisnadefa, Liputan6.com
Mahwari Sadewa Jalutama, Tiktok
15:50 THA
Networking Coffee
15:50 THA
Sesi Breakout
Diskusi Panel 1: Bagaimana Menggalang Dukungan untuk Media Alternatif
Yulianus Ario Jempau, Floresa.co
Ajiwan Arie, Solider.id
Adi Rumansyah, JRKI
Workshop 1: Bagaimana Menjadi Pemantau Media?
Yovantra Arief, Direktur Eksekutif Remotivi
Workshop 2: Literasi Media untuk Orang Tua: Tips dan Strategi
Santi Indra Astuti, MAFINDO (Masyarakat Anti-Fitnah Indonesia)
Workshop 3: Workshop Prebunking untuk Pemula
Ingried Dwi Wedhaswary, Kompas.com
Arsito Hidayatul, Suara.com
15:50 THA
Kembali ke ruang utama
15:50 THA
Keynote Speech: Theme: Election, Media and Democracy
Made Supriatma, Writer and Visiting Research Fellow di ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
15:50 THA
Live Music
Robi Navicula
15:50 THA
Closing remark Penutupan
Febrina Galuh, AJI Indonesia

Usman Kansong
Usman Kansong is the Director General of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Previously, he was News Current Affairs Manager at Metro TV and Chairman of the Editorial Board at Media Group.

University of Diponegoro
Wijayanto is a lecturer in the Government Science study program. For the past fifteen years he has been pursuing research related to issues of journalism, corruption in media freedom, elections, social media activism and democracy in Indonesia.

The Alliance of Independent Journalists
Sasmito is the President of The Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia and currently Voice of America (VoA) journalist

Sherly Haristya
Internet Governance Researcher
She has been bridging the global and national (Indonesia) debates on Internet governance, content moderation, and personal data protection issues.

Isya Hanum Kresnadi
Google Indonesia
She is Gov. Affairs & Public Policy from Google Indonesia and Former UN staff

Evi Mariani
The Alliance of Independent Journalists
Evi Mariani is a co-founder and the executive director of Project Multatuli, a journalism initiative focusing on serving the marginalized in Indonesia.

Paulus Tri Agung Kristanto
Press Council
The Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Kompas Daily was once a member of the drafting team for the Terrorism Crime Bill and the Corruption Eradication Commission Bill. He is often a judge in various writing competitions. TRA is the holder of Press Card Number One, and Recipient of the Mohammad Yamin Award for Constitutional Journalist.

Citra Dyah Prastuti
Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI)
Citra Dyah Prastuti, a journalist who now heads the editorial room of the Radio News Agency (KBR) in Jakarta, was awarded the Oktovianus Pogau award for courage in journalism from the Pantau Foundation.

Herik Kurniawan
Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI)
Herik Kurniawan is a chairman of IJTI, he also known as News Production Manager at RCTI

Regulatory Monitor and Media Regulator (PR2Media)
Masduki has long been involved in advocating regulations and reviewing broadcasting systems in Indonesia through organizations such as Regulatory Monitors and Media Regulators, LPP Change House, National Coalition for Broadcasting Reform (KNRP) and the Alliance of Independent Journalists.

Wisnu Prasetya
Rsearchers and Podcasters
This lecturer at the Department of Communication Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) often writes research and popular articles related to the political economy of media, communication politics, journalism, and false information. This master's graduate from the University of Leeds is also active in producing broadcast content with discussions around media and journalism issues.

Laban Abraham Laisila
Narasi TV
The man who was active in the student press during the reform era chose the profession of journalism as his way of life. He started his journalistic career in 2002. He briefly joined KBR 68H, ABC Australia, and was the producer of Mata Najwa before his current position as Head of Narasi Newsroom.

Anna Agustina
Association for Higher Education Communication Studies
This communication lecturer from Pancasila University completed his doctoral education in Malaysia in 2018. In addition to teaching and serving as dean at her campus, Anna is currently trusted as Secretary General of the Association for Higher Education Communication Studies (Aspikom) for the upcoming 2022-2025 period.

Rini Yustiningsih
Rini Yustiningsih who now serves as the Chief Editor (Pemred) of Solopos. She started in the world of journalism since she was in college in 1996.

Muhamad Fauzi
Muhamad Fauzi also known as Reporter and Editor at Radio PRFM News Channel

Ronny Adolof Buol
Ronny Adolof Buol, manages local media Zonautara.com in North Sulawesi. In the last 3 years he has paid attention to local issues, especially minority groups and rural communities, and promoted data journalism. Ronny also provides space for journalists in North Sulawesi to study together in the Learning Class movement.

Anton Muhajir
SAFEnet/ Trace
This journalist who lives in Bali helped build and develop Balebengong, a citizen journalism-based media in Bali. This freelance journalist is also active in digital literacy activities. Currently, Anton has been trusted as the Secretary of SAFEnet, a civil society organization that advocates for digital rights and the public's freedom of expression.

Afra Suci
Digital Defenders Partnership & parts or Trace Network
The woman, who completed her postgraduate education in the New Media and Digital Culture major in the Netherlands, pays attention to issues of human rights, women, and young people. Currently, Afra dedicates his time to digital rights issues as a Project Officer for the HIVOS Digital Defenders Partnership and a member of the Rapid Response Team (TRACE) network.

Aya Lowe
Facebook/ Meta
Aya Lowe currently is a APAC Integrity Partnerships and Programs at Metagroup. Previously, she was a multimedia journalist based in Manila covering disaster, development, business and news. She worked for Channel NewsAsia and The Guardian.

Mahwari Sadewa Jalutama
Mahwari Sadewa Jalutama (Tama) is a Javanese-born Indonesian guy who have a big passion for social media, community, digital marketing, content and also photography, especially in Travel Leisure Industry.

Yulianus Ario Jempau
Yulianus Ario Jempau is known as the editor-in-chief of floresa.co he is also the editorial team of floresa.co

Ajiwan Arief
Solider.id contributor in 2014 to 2016
SIGAB Indonesia media staff/edaktor of www.solider.id since 2017

Adi Rumansyah
Indonesian Community Radio Network (JRKI)
Joined the Disaster Communication working group through Community Media Together with JRKI then served as General Chair of the Indonesian Community Radio Network (JRKI) 2022-2026

Yovantra Arief
Yovantra Arief is reseacher at Remotivi. He also known as Executive Director of Remotivi

Santi Indra Astuti
Indonesian Anti-Slander Society (MAFINDO)
Santi Indra Astuti is the Program Manager for the Elderly Contagion of the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo). The Tular Nalar Program is a media literacy development program for critical thinking. Mafindo itself is an association that was founded in 2017 to create positive and clean Indonesian social media from slander, sedition and hoaxes.

Arsito Hidayatullah
19 years of experience as a journalist, including in several media outlets in Pekanbaru (Riau), to JPNN.com, Beritasatu.com, and Suara.com. He is also a certified trainer for the Google News Initiative anti-hoax program in Indonesia, as well as being listed on the Global Editors Network.

Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary
She became an online journalist when he joined Kompas.com in 2007 as a reporter. Now the editor of the Trends desk and part of the Kompas.com Fact Check Team. Engaged in fact-checking activities since 2018 and actively providing fact-checking workshops.

Febrina Galuh Permanasari
AJI Indonesia, Direktur Eksekutif
Febrina currently working as the Executive Director of the Alliance of Independent Journalist (AJI) Indonesia. She works with AJI since September 2011.

Ika Ningtyas Unggraini
AJI Indonesia, Sekretaris Jenderal
Ika Ningtyas serves as secretary general of AJI Indonesia. He is also a fact-checking journalist from Tempo.