Tokyo: Sept 21
9:00 JST
Registration & Breakfast
10:00 JST
Opening remarks by Daisuke Furuta, Google News Lab
開会挨拶:TMSとは何か(古田大輔 Googleニュースラボ前ティーチングフェロー)
Daisuke Furuta, Google News Lab
10:10 JST
Session 1: An Empirical Analysis of Misinformation in Japan by Shinichi Yamaguchi
セッション1: 日本の誤情報/偽情報に関する実証分析(山口真一 国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター准教授)
Shinichi Yamaguchi, The Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan
11:00 JST
11:10 JST
Session 2: Fact-check in Japan by Hitofumi Yanai
セッション2: 日本におけるファクトチェック(楊井人文 FIJ事務局長)
Hitofumi Yanai, Fact-check Initiative Japan
12:00 JST
13:00 JST
Session 3: Discussion “How can we work together for fact-checking?”
セッション 3:討論「ファクトチェックでのコラボレーションの可能性」
14:30 JST
14:40 JST
Session 4: Fireside chat with Masato Kajimoto
セッション4: 学生主体のファクトチェック(香港大・鍛治本正人副教授)
Masato Kajimoto, University of Hong Kong
15:00 JST
15:05 JST
Fun hour
16:00 JST
Fun hour Closing

Daisuke Furuta
Google News Lab Teaching Fellow
Daisuke is a Journalist and media consultant. In the two years since September 2020, when he started working as a News Lab teaching fellow , he has provided digital reporting training to a total of more than 20,000 journalists and students. He started his career in The Asahi Shimbun. After working in branch offices in Japan and Southeast Asia, he was assigned as a digital editor in Tokyo. In 2015, he joined BuzzFeed as the founder and editor-in-chief of Japan edition. He left BuzzFeed in 2019 and set up his own company, “media-collab" to support digital transformation of Japanese media. Daisuke is a board member of Digital Journalist EDucation Institute(D-JEDI) and Fact-check Initiative Japan.

Shinichi Yamaguchi
The Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan, Associate Professor
Shinichi Yamaguchi is an associate professor at Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan. He has a PhD in Economics from Keio University, majoring in econometrics. His research interests include social media and the digital economy. He's frequently quoted in the news, including NHK and Nikkei. He was awarded the KDDI Foundation Award, the Takamiya Award of Academic Association for Organizational Science, the Paper Award of The Japan Society of Information and Communication Research (twice), and the Telecommunications Incentive Award in Social Studies. He also authored; The Complete Book of Social Media (Keiso Shobo), Who are The Extreme People? (Kobunsha Co., Ltd.), Why It’s Profitable (Soshisha Publishing), The Economics of Flaming and Word-of-Mouth (Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.), etc. In addition, he is an affiliate researcher at The University of Tokyo, a director of Risk Communication Institute of Japan, and an advisor of SIEMPLE Inc., GREE, Inc., Mercari, Inc., Polimill Co.,Ltd., Creator Economy Association. He is also a member of several government (MIC, MHLW) committees.

Hitofumi Yanai
Fact-check Initiative Japan, Exective Director
Executive director of FactCheck Initiative Japan, a nonprofit organization promoting fact checking in Japan and other countries. Born in 1980. Graduated from Keiō University. Worked as a reporter at the Sankei Shimbun before leaving the newspaper to study law; passed the bar exam in 2007. Founded Watchdog for Accuracy in News-Reporting in 2012 and FIJ in 2017. Serves as chief editor of fact-checks at independent media outlet InFact. Works include Fakuto chekku to wa nani ka (What is Fact Checking?).

Masato Kajimoto
University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor
Masato Kajimoto, PhD, specializes in news literacy education, fact-checking, and misinformation ecosystem research in Asia.
In 2019 he founded a not-for-profit organization called ANNIE (Asian Network of News and Information Educators) to develop teaching and learning materials in news literacy specific to the media and political landscape and socio-cultural environment in the Asian region.
As part of the initiative, he is currently running the student-led fact-checking newsroom Annie Lab at HKU Journalism. The news website is a verified member of the Code of Principles by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter Institute.
Masato is also the chief producer of the online course on Coursera titled Making Sense of the News: News Literacy Lessons for Digital Citizens that was launched in 2017.
He served as the leading researcher and co-editor for the paper “Information Disorder in Asia and the Pacific: Overview of Misinformation Ecosystem in Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.”
His recent publication includes an entry on “News Literacy” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication and the five-country research for UNESCO titled “MIL education in Asia: Exploration of policies and practices in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.”
Before beginning a career in teaching and research, he worked as an online reporter and “Specials” editor (web producer) for CNN.
Born and raised in Nagoya, Japan, Masato earned his bachelor’s degree in English and American literature at Chuo University in Tokyo. He holds a master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia in the U.S.
He obtained a PhD in Sociology from the University of Hong Kong.